Sensoji T?m?l? – th? H??rt ?f T?k??
Sensoji T?m?l? – th? H??rt ?f T?k??
Th? ???r?tu?l h??rt of A??ku??, and f?r th?t m?tt?r T?k??, ?? th? impressive S?n??j? Buddhist T?m?l?. Built ??m?t?m? ?n th? 7th ??ntur? before Tokyo w?? ?v?n Edo, to house the g?ld?n ?t?tu? ?f K?nn?n, th? goddess ?f mercy, wh??h, ????rd?ng t? legend w?? f??h?d out ?f th? n??rb? S?mud?g?w?, b? two l???l f??h?rm?n brothers. Despite th??r ?ff?rt? t? return Kannon t? th? r?v?r wh?r? ?h? w?? found, the statue k??t finding ?t? w?? b??k to them. Sub???u?ntl? a t?m?l? was bu?lt t? h?u?? th? g?dd???. S?n??j? is T?k??’? ?nl? agreed t?ur??t attraction, and is v???t?d d??l? b? hundr?d? ?f t?ur??t? ?nd w?r?h????r? from Japan ?nd ?ll ?v?r the w?rld.
Image from
Arr?v?ng fr?m A??ku?? subway station, Sensoji ?? ?nt?r?d thr?ugh K?m?n?r?m?n (“Thunder G?t?”). A m?j??t?? structure th?t h?u??? tw? protective d??t???: Fuijin, th? g?d of w?nd, ?n the right, and R??j?n, th? g?d ?f thunder, on th? l?ft. Th??? f?r????u? g?d? oversee ?ll wh? ?nt?r th? t?m?l? ?nd keep th? grounds ??f?.
On?? inside the gate, ??u w?ll come t? N?k?m???-d?r?. Th?? ?h????ng street, ??t w?th?n th? actual temple precinct, h?? ?t’? own h??t?r?. Th??? stalls ?nd their ?r??r??t?r? are a l?v?ng ??rt of a ??ntur??? ?ld tr?d?t??n ?f ??ll?ng w?r?? t? th? ??lgr?m? v???t?ng the t?m?l?.
In th? l?t? 17th ??ntur?, n??ghb?ur? of th? Sensoji wh? r????v?d ?nd ??rv?d v???t?r? t? th? temple, w?r? r?w?rd?d by b??ng given a ???...
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