8 Reasons Why Japanese Wear Surgical Masks
I?m sure you?ve seen them.
I?m sure you?ve heard about them.
I have to admit that I was quite shocked when I first came to Japan and saw so many people running around with surgical masks.
In Europe (as well as in most other regions of the world), you probably only wear these as a ?normal? person when you?re terminally ill, in a state where catching a cold is fatal.
In Japan (and in some other Asian countries), however, people wear those masks for various reasons.
If you?ve ever wondered why Japanese wear surgical masks, then you should read on.
Reason #1: Being Sick
This is probably the most self-explanatory reason most people can up with on their own.
When you?re sick in Japan, it?s expected that you wear a mask in order to prevent your germs from spreading.
Not being considerate by not wearing a mask is considered to be rude!
If you enter a clinic or hospital in Japan and they’ve confirmed you have a fever, they will actually force you to wear a mask.
If you didn?t bring a mask, they usually sell it to you right there.
Especially when you?re coughing and sneezing a lot, you?re supposed to wear a mask in public.
There are also masks with aroma sheets inside which will help you breathe during nighttime.
This is used in order to cure your cold (faster) and you only wear them when sleeping.
Reason #2: Not Wanting to Get Sick
While it is courtesy to wear a mask when you?re sick, a lot of people don?t.
Especially if you have to ride the packed train...
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