Super Cheap Japan featured again on YouTube!

Super Cheap Japan featured again on YouTube!

So happy to see that good friend Ernest Keung has featured me in his latest video. He interviewed me about my books, plus we chatted about ways to travel in Japan on the cheap. It was lots of fun talking about Super Cheap Hokkaido and my other...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Exploring Kawayu Onsen – Hokkaido’s best hot spring town"

Exploring Kawayu Onsen – Hokkaido’s best hot spring town"

As part of my research for my new Hokkaido travel book, Super Cheap Hokkaido, I went to a hot spring town that I had been hoping to visit for a long time, Kawayu Onsen. On the eastern side of Hokkaido, it芒鈧劉s pretty much away from where most...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Super Cheap Hokkaido out now!

Super Cheap Hokkaido out now!

My awesome budget travel guide for Hokkaido is finally out! Also visiting Hokkaido or just going there for the winter" This is your perfect travel companion! There is simply no other guide that will show you how, where and when to travel in...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Trying out the Japan Wireless wifi box

Trying out the Japan Wireless wifi box

Recently Japan Wireless got in touch with me, and wondered if I芒鈧劉d like to try out their popular wifi box. Always looking for a deal, I thought I芒鈧劉d give it a go! I have always been a sceptic of these devices, worried that they might be...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Japan Autumn leaves forecast for 2019

Japan Autumn leaves forecast for 2019

Autumn is one of the best times to come to Japan. Unlike the week or two that each area has cherry blossoms in full bloom, the autumn leaves stay bright for longer. It makes traveling much easier as you don?t have to worry too much about leaves...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Another review out for Super Cheap Hokkaido!

Another review out for Super Cheap Hokkaido!

Ann, a well-known social media influencer over at Petite Diaries, has just posted her review of my new book, Super Cheap Hokkaido. It芒鈧劉s always amazing when people like Ann take the time to review a book of yours, so it made my day to see it!...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Exploring Hakodate on the cheap with a tram pass

Exploring Hakodate on the cheap with a tram pass

In preparation for the release of my new book, Super Cheap Hokkaido, I went to Hakodate to see what all the fuss was about! Located to the south of Hokkaido, it芒鈧劉s a port town well known for its foreign influences, fish market and easy-to-use tram...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Announcing my new book, Super Cheap Hokkaido!

Announcing my new book, Super Cheap Hokkaido!

My new book is finally finished. Called Super Cheap Hokkaido, it芒鈧劉s your perfect companion for a trip to Japan芒鈧劉s northern island. Please find out more and read the free sample here. Super Cheap Hokkaido will be out on April 24th.
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Enjoy a super cheap trip to Honshu this winter

Enjoy a super cheap trip to Honshu this winter

Guest post by John Blagys ( Japan is a powder paradise and while the resorts in Hokkaido may have caught the world?s eye, you don?t have to leave Honshu to chase your powder dreams. Here are 4 resorts that you can visit on the Super Cheap...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Japan Australia reviews Super Cheap Hokkaido

Japan Australia reviews Super Cheap Hokkaido

Another review is in for Super Cheap Hokkaido! This time John at well-known blog Japan Australia has written a review of the book. Please have a read and share with your friends ? I currently have a few deals on for my Japan guidebooks, so please...
Japan - 2024-01-11 07:39:13
Cordero asado al Pedro Ximenez

Cordero asado al Pedro Ximenez

脗聽Para 4 personasIngredientes:- 陆脗聽 cordero lechal- manteca de cerdo- 2 ramitas de romero- 1 copa de Pedro Ximenez- sal- agua- 6 patatas grandesElaboraci贸n:Precalentamos el horno a 200 grados y reservamos.Con las manos vamos poniendo manteca por el...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Paletillas de Cabrito asadas

Paletillas de Cabrito asadas

脗聽Para 2 personasIngredientes:- 2 paletillas de cabrito- manteca de cerdo- 2 ramitas de romero- 1 copita Pedro Ximenez- sal- pimienta- agua- 4 cucharadas de vinagre-3 patatas grandesElaboraci贸n:Precalentamos el horno a 200 grados y...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Macarrones con mi salsa de tomate

Macarrones con mi salsa de tomate

Para 4 personasIngredientes:-脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 500 gr de macarrones-脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 8 tomates maduros -脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 2 cebollas -脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 4 dientes de ajos-脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 1 pimiento rojo grande-脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽 Aceite de oliva...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Hojaldre de cabello de 谩ngel

Hojaldre de cabello de 谩ngel

脗聽Hojaldre de cabello de 谩ngelPara 4 personasIngredientes:- 1脗聽 calabaza Cidra de 1 kg m谩s o menos- 2 vasos de Az煤car- 1 vaso de agua- el zumo de medio Lim贸n- 2 masas de hojaldre- az煤car glas- 1 huevoElaboraci贸n:Primero haremos el cabello de...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Torrijas de naranja

Torrijas de naranja

脗聽Para 10 unidadesIngredientes:- 1 barra de pan (mejor del d铆a anterior)- 1 litro de zumo de naranja- 2 cucharadas de an铆s- az煤car al gusto (unas 6 cucharadas soperas)- 2 huevos para rebozar- aceite de girasol para fre铆rElaboraci贸n:Se pone a...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Flan de chocolate

Flan de chocolate

脗聽Flan de chocolateIngredientes:脗聽-脗聽 3/4 litro de leche脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽脗聽-脗聽 9...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05


Para unas 25 unidadesIngredientes:- 500 gr de harina de reposter铆a - 250 gr de manteca de cerdo- 125 gr de az煤car glas- 150 gr de almendras tostadas- algunas almendras para decorarElaboraci贸n:Ponemos la harina sobre una bandeja de horno y la metemos...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Crema pastelera

Crema pastelera

Truco Crema pasteleraIngredientes:- 100 gr. de az煤car- 500 ml. de leche- 3 yemas de huevo- 60 gr. de harina de ma铆z (Maicena)Elaboracion:Calienta la leche con el az煤car y apaga el fuego cuando empiece a hervir.Aparte, mezcla las yemas con la harina...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Manitas de cerdo guisadas

Manitas de cerdo guisadas

Para 4 personasIngredientes:- 1 kilo de manitas de cerdo- 1 punta de jam贸n serrano- 1 cabeza de ajos- 4 hojas de laurel- 1 cebolla grande- 4 patatas grandes- 1 pimiento rojo- piment贸n de la Vera- agua- sal- aceite de oliva脗聽Elaboraci贸n:Ponemos las...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Oreja al horno

Oreja al horno

脗聽Oreja al hornoPara 4 personasIngredientes:- 2 orejas de cerdo limpias- 2 cebollas grandes- 5 clavos de especia- 3 dientes de ajo- sal-aceite de oliva- piment贸n脗聽- EspeciasElaboraci贸n:Lo primero nos aseguramos de que las orejas est谩n bien limpias,...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Patatas a la importancia

Patatas a la importancia

脗聽Patatas a la importanciaPara 4 personasIngredientes:- 4 patatas grandes- 1 cebolla grande- 3 dientes de ajo- 1 pimiento verde- 1 pimiento rojo- 2 hojas de laurel- una pizca de azafr谩n- aceite de oliva virgen- sal- harina- 3 huevos- 1 copa de vino...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Paella de verduras y gambon

Paella de verduras y gambon

Para 6 personasIngredientes:- 700 gr de arroz redondoBrillante Sabroz- 12 gambones- 200 gr de zanahorias peque帽as - 200 gr de guisantes- 200 gr de champi帽ones- 300 gr de habas - 250 gr de alcachofas - 4 tomates maduros- 3 dientes de ajo - az煤car -...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Plum-cake de zanahoria y crema

Plum-cake de zanahoria y crema

Para un molde de 20cmIngredientes:脗聽- 160 gr de harina de trigo- 120 ml de aceite de oliva suave- 1 sobre y medio de levadura qu铆mica- 3 huevos- 100 gr de mantequilla derretida- 250 gr de az煤car moreno- 210 gr de zanahoria rallada- 1 cucharadita de...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Spaghetti negros al Frutti di Mare

Spaghetti negros al Frutti di Mare

脗聽Para 4 personasIngredientes:- 400 gr de espagueti negros - 8 cigalas normales- 200 gr de gambas- 200 gr de almejas- 250 gr de mejillones- 1 calamar- 1 cebolla- 2 dientes de ajo- 1 vaso de vino blanco- aceite de oliva- sal- perejil picado- 300 gr...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
Patatas revolconas

Patatas revolconas

Para 4 personasIngredientes:- 850脗聽 gr de patatas- 500 gr de panceta (mitad en lonchas脗聽 finas y 2 en lonchas de 1 cm de grosor)- piment贸n dulce- sal- aceite de oliva- laurel- 3 dientes de ajoElaboraci贸n:Pelamos las patatas, las lavamos y las...
Japan - 2023-02-06 21:25:05
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